Early quilts

These quilts are made from commercial fabrics, machine pieced and hand quilted.  Many of them feature significant amounts of hand embroidery.

Perpetuity II
Commercial fabrics. Machine piecing, hand embroidery and hand quilted.
1994, 64 x 64

Perpetuity II -detail

Comercial fabrics. Hand embroidery and hand quilted.
1995,  66 x 55

But Did She Drown?
Quilt: hand embroidery and hand quilted. Commercial fabrics
1987, 81 x 64

Don't Get Killed;  I'll Wait!
Quilt: hand embroidery and hand quilted. Commercial fabrics
1988,  91  x 74

Mary Jane's Quilt;  Keep the Promise Alive
Commercial fabrics. Hand embroidery and hand quilted.
1989, 82 x 82

1 comment:

  1. Very evocative to me. I remember the cross-stitch fervour that hit Maskhuta. And of course the events that must have inspired some of this series. XXX
